

Client: Aday
Typology: Retail
Location: Culver City, CA
Area: 2,000sf
Status: Completed in 2016
Furniture Design Collaborators: DeJong & Co.

Serving as a pop-up store at Platform LA in Culver City, Aday’s first physical retail store opened its doors in 2016. Under time constraints and with a tight budget, AERO collaborated with De JONG & Co. to design the 2,000sf area with an open-space concept in mind. The white walls sport a simple black wavy line that flows throughout the store, a testament to the fluid and simple designs that embody the business’s aesthetic. Embedded in the center floor lies a circle, representing the continuity of their product design. Serving as an active-wear brand that values versatility in its beautifully designed clothing, AERO’s design of Aday’s physical store represents a similar adaptability.